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What would you Prefer? (A Poll as suggested)
Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 8:11 pm
by Screwy
Since Bon posted this thread -
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=151, there are some discussions what to be done, what CAN be done etc. And because I think most of the players will be upset to wait for approx 1 month and have new Era again I want to make a poll. It's a way too see how the most active players think and also a chance for admins to laugh at me If I'm wrong
- Yes, I agree to wait for approx 1 month so we can have a fresh new (more balanced) Era;
- No, If we gonna have a new Era that soon, better to be now, not in 1 month;
- I don't care what ever admins decided.
Re: What would you Prefer? (A Poll as suggested)
Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 8:18 pm
by Sir_Smokesalot_DEMK
No offense but this seems kind of skewed...
Anyways as I suggested in my previous post on the thread you posted, I think it should just carry on for 2-3 months however long you want the new ages to be, or around that time to see how things will develop.
Re: What would you Prefer? (A Poll as suggested)
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:27 pm
by THEDutchman
I agree, another option should be to chose a different length, like our chainsmoker said.
Re: What would you Prefer? (A Poll as suggested)
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:32 pm
by bon
You do not need a poll.
Here are the facts:-
-Turns are overpowered and needs to be tweaked.
-Conquests repairs do not work, you can conquest as much as you like without having to repair at all.
-Attacking/raiding repairs are free.
Those are the main issues with the game.
Why do we need approximately a month before we reset?
-To adjust turns and have it tested to make sure it isnt overpowered or underpowered.
-Conquest repairs need to be fixed and put back into the game otherwise everyone can do the last conquest and gain free gold.
-Attacking/raiding repairs need to be fixed and implemented back into the game.
-Sabotage needs to be adjusted.
Here is why the shit needs to be tested, I do not want to run a full Era without bugs being fixed, we need time to fix and have them tested,
Why do we need to fix repairs? Well as stated above it costs you nothing to repair and that is a major bug that needs to be fixed.
Why would we keep certain issues with the game when we can fix and then test then roll out an Era with no issues, keeping the issues and allowing you to play only lets you play an out of balance game with basically unlimited turns. Also masses WILL NOT do anything to an account, you cannot hurt anyone in game if you mass them because repairs are FREE. You cannot mass mains which is a usual strategy or mass rogue accounts and do no damage because repairs are FREE.
Instead of complaining @screwy and posting a poll why not think about the fact that we want to provide an Era free from issues and make sure bugs do not give players an advantage over others which is what happened with the exp upgrade bug.
I spent 6hrs last night discussing with players on discord the reasons why it needs to happen, we are not restarting the Era just to piss players off, we have valid reasons above why it needs to happen.
Re: What would you Prefer? (A Poll as suggested)
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:40 pm
by Kaya
well Bon you know what has to be done so why not do it .we as players respect you asking our opinion but in the long run its how you and the coders think what is best ........some great ideas from the players and great to see so that shows most have the games interest at heart ..............can i suggest to decide today if possible and start the ball rolling and go forward to hopefully a great bug free game (if possible )Most of the players have your back and wish for same thing xxx Wel done all concerned for the excitment and activily back in a game we all love and want to see do well
Re: What would you Prefer? (A Poll as suggested)
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:57 pm
by THEDutchman
I guess the poll is made because people think it is possible to fix these bugs while this age lasts. E.g. change the buy ratio for turns so they cost more XP, fix the repairs. If those issues are handled, there is no reason the end the age right?
Re: What would you Prefer? (A Poll as suggested)
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 2:09 pm
by bon
If we tweak it during a full length Era or change a gameplay mechanism then we have players that get annoyed because it has changed the dynamics of the game and many have benefited from the way it was before the change and have a huge advantage over others. Then we have those that have taken advantage complaining because what they were doing has been changed.
The game needs to be fixed then reset once tested so that everyone is on a level playing field again, then we will see how the strategies and different playstyles work out when no bugs can affect the outcome of game mechanisms.
Re: What would you Prefer? (A Poll as suggested)
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 2:38 pm
by dregan
for me its whenever admins decide its best (what time they need to fix things etc.). Only thing i would like its know ruffly the end (we know its a month ish) and i am fine with that since i will adjust my strategy according to that (if it was 2 or 3 months or next week its all the same). what i wouldn't like would be one month from now getting an extension for another month

ps. we should not forget the spy bug as well
Re: What would you Prefer? (A Poll as suggested)
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 2:44 pm
by Screwy
@bon why not just end the Era now and have another beta 3.5b or so and test it away until it's fixed and then launch the new Era. Right now all the people who are clicking and banking and Slaying like mad feel the need to keep doing it until you (koc admins/devs) fix it. It just feels like a wasted effort :/ Every alliance has some bigs/mains that are playing seriously and now they get "hey why don't you play it another 20-30 days so we can then fix it and reset the Era" is quite demotivating and discouraging. If you End it now and go into beta mode again until you fix those issues would be better for everyone imo.
On the other hand - I don't know what and how did you discuss it with other players cause I got kicked...for speaking up lol. Thanks for at least letting me being able to post on Forums....
Re: What would you Prefer? (A Poll as suggested)
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 4:11 pm
by bloodpirate
put up a countdown clock, set to 3 days (make up a time). get it done. start the beta. lets test the shit out of the changes. get daily (hourly) feedback from chains and solo players on how things are progressing. keep beta going till you are happy with starting a new era. boom .. start the era for 4 months (make up a time). do only minor bug fixes (there shouldn't be any right) during the era. and voila. we will see what we will see as i come in rank one.