just that cerb rl lacn jumped fod a few ages ago .. for no reason
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=280&sid=8e0e208ff4 ... 2003a8db5e
as for this war, i think rl lacn should surrender .. they are being trampled .. and in beta, thejew is back, so we have to keep that inmind.
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Last edited by bloodpirate 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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not sure if FoD is part of this war, but from my logs we are. it looks like real loosers and lacking are loosing it badly .. mains are destroyed as far as being mains are concerned. and from this list, their officers have almost all given up .. i hate seeing people leave the game .. if someone wants out of the war, let me know. i can make it happen without you having to quit. if their leaders had any sense, they would surrender before more people quit ..
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Last edited by bloodpirate 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
The time has now come to put a stop to the war. After careful consideration, looking at activity and for the good of the player base across the game, RL/LaCN have decided to surrender to the greater power of FFLOP, GLADS, DEMK, FOD, NWO & NGF - we were outnumbered and outpowered.
A great fight from all involved and gg well played to our enemies who preserved and took down our mains.
To all members of RL, great and activity and great raiding and shout outs to our top sabbers who kept going until the end. The numbers were too much in the end - time to refind our player base and get everyone back engaged with the game. No one wants to see players quit.
GL for the rest of the era everyone, time to rebuild internally and bring back activity on both sides.
Overall, I think we expected a team up after winning the last few eras, fair play for getting everyone onside - appreciate the organisation it takes to get this done!
We will be back - but hopefully time for some peace and rebuilding first!
A great fight from all involved and gg well played to our enemies who preserved and took down our mains.
To all members of RL, great and activity and great raiding and shout outs to our top sabbers who kept going until the end. The numbers were too much in the end - time to refind our player base and get everyone back engaged with the game. No one wants to see players quit.
GL for the rest of the era everyone, time to rebuild internally and bring back activity on both sides.
Overall, I think we expected a team up after winning the last few eras, fair play for getting everyone onside - appreciate the organisation it takes to get this done!
We will be back - but hopefully time for some peace and rebuilding first!
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During the early stages of era 12 we decided to embark on an adventurous mission of warring against FFLoPGlds, at the start of the war things were looking largely even with each side exchanging blows and selling up/down/around.
Unbeknownst to us FFLoPGlds had additional allies in the form of demk,nwo,ngf, BSS(TSS?) which with them joining largely impacted the balance of the war and ultimately throwing it into the favour of our enemies.
RL/LaCN was unable to sustain the larger volume of raids/sabs ( this is probably due to TGF not being dwarves ).
Well done to Dank and his band of Rust misfits, you bested us during this era and I look forward to not warring for a long while.
Well done to my alliance and allies for the continued efforts during the war, despite getting knocked a bit we managed to keep up the raids/sabs on many!
LaCN Leadership
Unbeknownst to us FFLoPGlds had additional allies in the form of demk,nwo,ngf, BSS(TSS?) which with them joining largely impacted the balance of the war and ultimately throwing it into the favour of our enemies.
RL/LaCN was unable to sustain the larger volume of raids/sabs ( this is probably due to TGF not being dwarves ).
Well done to Dank and his band of Rust misfits, you bested us during this era and I look forward to not warring for a long while.
Well done to my alliance and allies for the continued efforts during the war, despite getting knocked a bit we managed to keep up the raids/sabs on many!
LaCN Leadership
Just to be clear you guys far out numbered us when you declared and the numbers were about even after DEMK and Co. joined.
Especially when you consider all your out of chain friends. I understand you need to spin a positive narrative for your members about the surrender but don't reach too far there buds
GG to everyone involved was a good war
Especially when you consider all your out of chain friends. I understand you need to spin a positive narrative for your members about the surrender but don't reach too far there buds

GG to everyone involved was a good war
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@Dank what applies in discord applies on forums. Don't come here making sense 

- MadGeorge
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That was a good war effort from both sides.
Yes, overall the raids and numbers were too much in the end, but from what I gather there were some RL/LaCN that stayed true until the end and that deserves a big well done! Its hard to grind it when the morale is low, but fair play to them.
Numbers were close to even once the war started, but in the end it came down to morale and activity, and on this occasion FFLOP/DEMK/etc had the upper hand.
Hopefully those who left can be pulled back into the game, as it is never fun to see the numbers dwindle further.
Yes, overall the raids and numbers were too much in the end, but from what I gather there were some RL/LaCN that stayed true until the end and that deserves a big well done! Its hard to grind it when the morale is low, but fair play to them.
Numbers were close to even once the war started, but in the end it came down to morale and activity, and on this occasion FFLOP/DEMK/etc had the upper hand.
Hopefully those who left can be pulled back into the game, as it is never fun to see the numbers dwindle further.
Sweet Brotherhood Leader
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails
—William Arthur Ward
Sweet Brotherhood Leader
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails
—William Arthur Ward
Great now I have to go back to spending time with my family and paying attention at work...
- Squishy
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It was a good war, it had its ups and down activity went up and down but overall it was a good little distraction from life. i am proud of our side (both my alliance directly as well as our allies) and how we managed to pull together and far outlast the activity of the opposition. each and every single contribution was amazing, and i am so very proud to be with this group of people. i know i am a little biased but the fact is we acted like a well oiled machine and systematically picked apart the enemy. we got jumped and still managed to pull of feats of insane proportions that ill no doubt be talked about for eras to come.each and every cog came together to form this machine and i know i said it again but i cant say it enough, i am so very proud of each and every one of you, without you we never could have beaten the enemy.
and speaking of the enemy, even when things got a little out of hand and it was apparent it was clearly one sided a handful of them never ever gave up. i saw some changing tactics, making sacrifices where needed and overall increasing and becoming far more valuable at the end then the beginning (not to say anybody had no value, just the nature of a numbers game some have the position to do more). when i was sabbin the list there where some on the opposition sabbing even more and i know what a grind that is so i have a great respect for the grinders. kudos to you who stuck it out to the end you have done your alliance justice.
Now that the war is over we can all go back to being bored lol, to all those on the otherside of the fence just remember its a game, theirs nothing personal about any of this. we have a clean break now, good luck to all of you as the era no doubt is coming closer and closer to an end.
and speaking of the enemy, even when things got a little out of hand and it was apparent it was clearly one sided a handful of them never ever gave up. i saw some changing tactics, making sacrifices where needed and overall increasing and becoming far more valuable at the end then the beginning (not to say anybody had no value, just the nature of a numbers game some have the position to do more). when i was sabbin the list there where some on the opposition sabbing even more and i know what a grind that is so i have a great respect for the grinders. kudos to you who stuck it out to the end you have done your alliance justice.
Now that the war is over we can all go back to being bored lol, to all those on the otherside of the fence just remember its a game, theirs nothing personal about any of this. we have a clean break now, good luck to all of you as the era no doubt is coming closer and closer to an end.
- Lords of Peril Knight at Arms & FFLOP BF Mod
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- Lords of Peril Knight at Arms & FFLOP BF Mod
- Triple OG for Trey Duece Gang
- KoC Social Platforms Moderator & HelpDesk
- Member of KoC Complaints Department