Its about that time of the age where nuns go flying and stats start dropping
We have declared war on RB, I know no one really cares why but for those that do care:
1. RB has been trying to get ballsy with most alliances in KoC most of the age, unfortunately for them they picked the wrong chain this time. Eager to sab over any petty reason, hopefully their still eager to sab

2. Kaya has refused to accept Raiders acts of love, despite his generosity. We have yet to determine why she denies him, we're currently working on deciphering her hieroglyphic typing.
3. RB has been bullying doh and the nice guys over at BSS, we do not appreciate bullying in our christian game of chaos.
4. Chrisl will war in honor of Nord and JustJesus who were sabbed by Doctorwho-RB
Surrender Terms:
1. Kaya must join Raider the SIMP king - non negotiable
2. Kaya must issue public apology to doh and BSS - non negotiable
3. Bean must make me margaritas in a sexy pink tutu - color of tutu is negotiable
4. sakitty and kaya must learn how to type and speak English properly in the kings of chaos discord. - non negotiable
5. RB must change their name to Rising Boners, and make all their usernames a viagra based joke next age. - non negotiable
Honorable mentions:
Total damaged caused by Dank 147,498,400,000
Vedett-RB: Total sabbed already today 116,929,500,000
WarrioR: Total sabbed already today 171,115,600,000
Cimejes: Total sabbed already today 89,787,000,000
Rodenbach-RB: Total sabbed already today 58,183,000,000
hi123: Total sabbed already today 84,784,000,000
VBingo-RB: Total sabbed already today 105,228,000,000
Brother-Odie: Total sabbed already today 64,604,000,000
Romulus-RB: Total sabbed already today 56,129,000,000
Kaya_RB: Total sabbed already today 77,499,000,000
Corona-RB: Total sabbed already today 79,154,000,000
Westvleteren1510: Total sabbed already today 62,932,000,000
Fletz: Total sabbed already today 51,573,700,000
Crucifyxae: Total sabbed already today 58,748,850,000
many more 50b+s but cbf posting them all. We have a lot of EU members sleeping at the moment as well, so I'm sure these numbers will raise.
Good luck everyone, have fun.