Gladiators vs NWO/LaCN

?? - 1/18/2020

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Re: Gladiators vs NWO/LaCN

Post by Danny »

I see a value drop in you spidy, unless you got sabbed to fuck. :)

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Re: Gladiators vs NWO/LaCN

Post by Danny »

well i think i need to get my eyes checked...
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Re: Gladiators vs NWO/LaCN

Post by bloodpirate »

been 4 days, is this war still going on? or did nwo/lacn surrender again...
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Re: Gladiators vs NWO/LaCN

Post by Danny »

Good question... its quiet asf here
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Re: Gladiators vs NWO/LaCN

Post by Squishy »

i have not looked at all the stats but lacn/nwo started hoarding spy, i see dank losing 14 billion a day as well as at least 40k tff while tgf is losing about 4 bil a day with like 100 billion sentry then dank, then you have hotfather and the likes

i am not saying glads are down and out but it appears as if they are losing steam
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Re: Gladiators vs NWO/LaCN

Post by Kaya »

awk holiday period for most so next week should be back to normal whatever that is ........Real life family first
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Re: Gladiators vs NWO/LaCN

Post by Danny »

*looks at kaya's avatar*

so whats going on... you lot not gonna kiss and make up before christmas ?
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Re: Gladiators vs NWO/LaCN

Post by chrisl7605 »

Squishy wrote: 5 years ago i have not looked at all the stats but lacn/nwo started hoarding spy, i see dank losing 14 billion a day as well as at least 40k tff while tgf is losing about 4 bil a day with like 100 billion sentry then dank, then you have hotfather and the likes

i am not saying glads are down and out but it appears as if they are losing steam
Still here focusing on our mids and raiding their bigs.

Unfortunately as we were easily able to keep up with the value NWO/LACN were producing we were unable to keep up with 3 party sells and sabs.

That being said, wars are ultimately won with consistency.

Glads will to continue to sab for the next two months as lacns/nwos continue to quit. Been a fun war, even if LaCN joined and then used pretty pathetic tactics to build their accounts. I always felt a bit guilty warring NWO. felt a lot like NSG all over again.

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will be higher before days end
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Re: Gladiators vs NWO/LaCN

Post by Wiz »

Sabbing Statistics
Total damaged caused by Wizard 37,147,100,000
Most value sabbed from a player AnyTim :: 164,686,950,000
Most value sabbed by one player AnyTim :: 275,881,530,000
Attacking Statistics
Total gold stolen by Wizard 301,943,381,253

Your Chief of Intelligence dispatches 2 spies to attempt to sabotage 269 of Sam-NWO's weapons of type Chariot.
Your covert team has successfully infiltrated Sam-NWO's Armory.

While entering Sam-NWO's Armory, 158 Sentries were executed.

Your spies successfully enter Sam-NWO's armory, You were successful in destroying 269 / 33,038 Chariot stockpile. and destroy 269 of the enemy's Chariot stockpile. Your spies all return safely to your camp.

You successfully steal 1,024,496 Gold from the player.

You have gained 5 Experience.
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Re: Gladiators vs NWO/LaCN

Post by Wiz »

Sabbing Statistics
Total damaged caused by Wizard 44,337,850,000
Most value sabbed from a player AnyTim :: 173,804,200,000
Most value sabbed by one player AnyTim :: 281,099,280,000

Covert Mission Report
Your Chief of Intelligence dispatches 2 spies to attempt to sabotage 267 of Sam-NWO's weapons of type Chariot.
Your covert team has successfully infiltrated Sam-NWO's Armory.

While entering Sam-NWO's Armory, 157 Sentries were executed.

Your spies successfully enter Sam-NWO's armory, You were successful in destroying 267 / 31,698 Chariot stockpile. and destroy 267 of the enemy's Chariot stockpile. Your spies all return safely to your camp.

You successfully steal 811,331 Gold from the player.

You have gained 4 Experience.