Then I most correct you Sir Aggie
SR sold to win the Era and therefore you didnt get the top alliance spot....
Glads effort should be seen as the major effort of this Era....
TX Bon for seing that...
From start Glad had DEMK only and did a major effort.
Yes one of the main argument was: How much do SR sell to DEMK or Glad to each others...(read the post Sir Aggie, its a merged thread)
Later most of the post was about when you surrenderish.
As I see it
Glad did a major against DEMK, even with the big support from SR.
Later SR desided to jump in against Glad
Later FFlop jumped in against Glad
Later Lacn jumped in against Glad
Aye Sir Aggie
Im only a bystander of this war/reader of this forum..
But >I see very hughes numbers against very smal numbers in game
Was it worth it Lacn-FFlop?
Aye Sir Aggie you have your agenda, but so do bravo...
Bravo thats my punk the last 15 years, I have used 15 years to train him social behavior(and it works)
I respect him very much to go in on this very un even fight on the smaller number size..
Maybee SR-Lacn-FFlop should consider to team up again next Era..
It worked so well to suppress the smaller numbers