Bonesaw wrote: ↑5 years ago
Lmao you guys are hilarious. Your taking old screens and chopping them up to fit your narrative. All I see you do is spew nonsense on here. Well two people can post screens, remember earlier in the thread talking about all the “surrenders” you guys get. How about this screen of glads last age begging demk to step in because they were struggling with nsg? Big bad war chain looking for help with nsg, an alliance you guys have only talked negative about

. Also funny to listen to dank talk about low hit sabs, how many hits under 30 have you sabbed this age? You act like we “drag” or members into a fight, when everyone voted on the hit policy. A policy that last age was the norm for every chain, one that all the other alliances knew, and one you agree with, but only if defense is up to whatever your standards.
I can speak for our entire chain when I say we've only sabbed DEMK for any hits over 20 minutes.
I'm sorry the truth hurts but I was literally just copying and pasting what you told me your policy was.
That conversation was in regards to ogotai asking us for our trickle but you already know that

Also, you do realize you're getting massive growth from the biggest chain in KOC?
Embarrassing seeing TBC take a reputation built by me, axe, muddy, and EM and dragging it through the mud.
How about this, we will leave RB chain and you guys leave SR chain and well see where this war takes us