- 8/17/19

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Post by Bonesaw »

ROLYAT wrote: 5 years ago
Dank wrote: 5 years ago NSG_Supersabber just went from 35,050 untrained troops to 19,286 and lost 3k spies and 3k sentries.

who the hell has 40k untrained troops with 3k mercs in war that they initiated by massing?

Not very smart, your boys need better then that from you since you're a "main".

I take back my statement about them being the war veterans of the chain. They have 1 decent account and he doesn't even know how to train his troops properly. You would think after we destroyed NSB 3 times last age, they would have picked up some war tactics just by accident.

Maybe some of the OG DEMK members can assist them. Lord knows the current leadership over there can't.

Like this one.... explain to me how you “destroy” an alliance three times while you beg another to come in and help get a surrender ? Don’t get me wrong, I do find your posts entertaining, but you can’t honestly think the rest of koc believes it....right? Lol
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Post by chrisl7605 »

Bonesaw wrote: 5 years ago Lmao you guys are hilarious. Your taking old screens and chopping them up to fit your narrative. All I see you do is spew nonsense on here. Well two people can post screens, remember earlier in the thread talking about all the “surrenders” you guys get. How about this screen of glads last age begging demk to step in because they were struggling with nsg? Big bad war chain looking for help with nsg, an alliance you guys have only talked negative about 😂. Also funny to listen to dank talk about low hit sabs, how many hits under 30 have you sabbed this age? You act like we “drag” or members into a fight, when everyone voted on the hit policy. A policy that last age was the norm for every chain, one that all the other alliances knew, and one you agree with, but only if defense is up to whatever your standards.
I can speak for our entire chain when I say we've only sabbed DEMK for any hits over 20 minutes.

I'm sorry the truth hurts but I was literally just copying and pasting what you told me your policy was.

That conversation was in regards to ogotai asking us for our trickle but you already know that ;).

Also, you do realize you're getting massive growth from the biggest chain in KOC?

Embarrassing seeing TBC take a reputation built by me, axe, muddy, and EM and dragging it through the mud.

How about this, we will leave RB chain and you guys leave SR chain and well see where this war takes us 😂
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Post by Squishy »

no screenshots of private messages, those which have been posted have been removed the next one gets the thread closed

if you wish to discuss this with me i am always open to it just contact me directly.
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Post by bon »

Personal messages from Discord, Kings of Chaos, whatsapp or any other platform are not allowed to be posted here. They are private messages and are not to be displayed here.

If you want to post messages that do not identify the recipient you may but I stress YOU CANNOT identify anyone in those messages.

added note from squishy - this includes displaying whatsapp phone numbers even if there name is not present
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Post by Bonesaw »

Sorry I didn’t realize they were not allowed since the other screens have been up for hours now, but glad it gets corrected so quick after I post mine :p. I do agree with the forum policy it’s just sometimes hard for me to be the bigger man, I was simply responding to the ones posted about me. For context I have edited the previous messages screenshot which hopefully follows the thread rules.
4B0C2A91-AC22-4676-BA9B-23D655955449.jpeg (207.01 KiB) Viewed 35106 times
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Post by chrisl7605 »

Bonesaw wrote: 5 years ago Sorry I didn’t realize they were not allowed since the other screens have been up for hours now, but glad it gets corrected so quick after I post mine :p. I do agree with the forum policy it’s just sometimes hard for me to be the bigger man, I was simply responding to the ones posted about me. For context I have edited the previous messages screenshot which hopefully follows the thread rules.
Bonesaw wrote: 5 years ago Sorry I didn’t realize they were not allowed since the other screens have been up for hours now, but glad it gets corrected so quick after I post mine :p. I do agree with the forum policy it’s just sometimes hard for me to be the bigger man, I was simply responding to the ones posted about me. For context I have edited the previous messages screenshot which hopefully follows the thread rules.
Still as I stated that was my request when Scar wanted our trickle. Logs you've likely already shared with plenty of people anyways :)

probably put your own twist on it so NSG would willingly follow you into war.

That being said let's each leave our respective super chains and finish this war 1v1 :)
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Post by ROLYAT »

Bonesaw wrote: 5 years ago Lmao you guys are hilarious. Your taking old screens and chopping them up to fit your narrative. All I see you do is spew nonsense on here. Well two people can post screens, remember earlier in the thread talking about all the “surrenders” you guys get. How about this screen of glads last age begging demk to step in because they were struggling with nsg? Big bad war chain looking for help with nsg, an alliance you guys have only talked negative about 😂. Also funny to listen to dank talk about low hit sabs, how many hits under 30 have you sabbed this age? You act like we “drag” or members into a fight, when everyone voted on the hit policy. A policy that last age was the norm for every chain, one that all the other alliances knew, and one you agree with, but only if defense is up to whatever your standards.
You mean the alliance that surrendered to us 3 times and fled to you all for protection after openly bashing you guys? Yeah. Great example there.

You can't argue with facts. We have been in the most wars and have the highest percentage of wins. I said from the beginning you won't be smart enough to surrender so we will see more and more members leave your chain. All because of your massive, underserved ego. The OG DEMK members must be so embarrassed to see where Ky and current leadership led you all.
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Post by The RMFz »

ROLYAT wrote: 5 years ago The OG DEMK members must be so embarrassed to see where Ky and current leadership led you all.
Led us to......your leader begging us to take down NSG.
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Post by chrisl7605 »

The RMFz wrote: 5 years ago
ROLYAT wrote: 5 years ago The OG DEMK members must be so embarrassed to see where Ky and current leadership led you all.
Led us to......your leader begging us to take down NSG.
sure... I could post more logs but the mods will likely just remove them.

Basically those were my terms if DEMK really wanted us to join in chain.

I knew had we joined you guys would have dragged us into your war with RB (A war you guys lost) and wernt going to give you trickle for nothing.

As you saw, we got a surrender without needing anyone elses help.

When was the last time TBC won a war without help? 2011? 2012?
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Post by Fin »

The RMFz wrote: 5 years ago @Jayalt - Your hits were around 25 min (not 29). Anyway, I was talking of Blaze-. You did the low hit after Blaze- had Dank sab me for his 10-20 minute hits. I also had a bunch of low hits the same night by Geordie, Fin, mac and a couple others whose names I do not recollect. It does appear like you guys only wanted to start a fight. Also, yeah I ghosted you, and when you asked me whether I sabbed, I said I was pretty upfront about it.

@Blaze- I talked enough to you before you got sabbed, you have simply no locus pretending to be holier-than-thou here. Justifying your actions by saying it was okay because I had low DA is like saying it's okay if I sab you just because my spy is higher than your sentry. Considering the number of times I talked with you about it, it's clear you just wanted it your way and went forum-shopping to whoever would join in with you.

Also, you say I had good sentry with which you "could get good gold" - please note that most of your hits were 13-15 minutes. Calling that good gold and being unreasonable about it makes it amply evident you just wanted to be a prick. In that background, this outcome is natural and I'm happy to be in it.

Anyway, these points are moot two months later because (a) you guys seem to have a completely different movie playing in your heads; and b) it really doesn't matter. Adios.

Do you have logs of me hitting you? I would love to see them— have you been taking photoshop classes?