- 8/17/19

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Post by Plurp »

chrisl7605 wrote: 5 years ago
Plurp wrote: 5 years ago Next week it will be mine, yearly meet up with friends in Denver. Then the weekend after that is merica weekend.
Y'all should just surrender if you don't want to participate.
Not my choice to make, well above a newbies paygrade. I'm just a soldier going on leave. But from what I have gathered from both sides this will last the rest of the age. Ever heard of docking? Seems apropo for the situation. That and dick dingers. Everyone loves dick dingers.
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Post by Dank »

Plurp wrote: 5 years ago Not my choice to make, well above a newbies paygrade. I'm just a soldier going on leave. But from what I have gathered from both sides this will last the rest of the age. Ever heard of docking? Seems apropo for the situation. That and dick dingers. Everyone loves dick dingers.

You always have a choice, don't be a sheep

DEMK wanted to support sabbing 29mins of tbg hits for someone with 0 DA, and you decided to follow them blindly into battle. All the small members efforts being drained for something so petty, how many more mid sized and small sized accounts will be forced to sell to the bigger ones in order to keep up with us before DEMK realizes their killing morale of their own crew, which is why you've had so many leave chain and we've had 0.
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Post by The RMFz »

Cool story bob.

To set the record straight, you supported a guy doing hits for 10-20 minutes gold on me (still have the logs) and to prove a point you had half your alliance low hit me. And then when I act on it, you 'approve' me. Clearly, you were angling for this fight. By the way, you're sabbing other people for 29 minute hits recently. Numerous examples that you'll be very familiar may thus want to re-consider the hypocrisy.
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Post by Plurp »

Dank wrote: 5 years ago
Plurp wrote: 5 years ago Not my choice to make, well above a newbies paygrade. I'm just a soldier going on leave. But from what I have gathered from both sides this will last the rest of the age. Ever heard of docking? Seems apropo for the situation. That and dick dingers. Everyone loves dick dingers.

You always have a choice, don't be a sheep

DEMK wanted to support sabbing 29mins of tbg hits for someone with 0 DA, and you decided to follow them blindly into battle. All the small members efforts being drained for something so petty, how many more mid sized and small sized accounts will be forced to sell to the bigger ones in order to keep up with us before DEMK realizes their killing morale of their own crew, which is why you've had so many leave chain and we've had 0.
Mehehehehe (bored sheep noise?... I tried) You know I'm back new to the scene, but besides reveck who has left? TBH I've been having fun with the conflict. The glads have pushed 2 officers to me, simply out of spite of how they have been treated by you guys. No you personally, but people in glads. A couple more have been talking with me about how they can join and if it would make a difference. As far as I can see this entire thing has benefited both sides. Two war chains going to war, seems to me like thats what is supposed to happen. Just seems to be a lot of static noise from some of glads. Like gnats at a bbq. Not the people just the public crap being said. Like the VAC mode shit its boring. I like my in game DMs with glads more, less penis stroking more banter and witty comebacks. :P

Also I DM'd you on discord.
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Post by Dank »

Plurp wrote: 5 years ago
Dank wrote: 5 years ago
Plurp wrote: 5 years ago Not my choice to make, well above a newbies paygrade. I'm just a soldier going on leave. But from what I have gathered from both sides this will last the rest of the age. Ever heard of docking? Seems apropo for the situation. That and dick dingers. Everyone loves dick dingers.

You always have a choice, don't be a sheep

DEMK wanted to support sabbing 29mins of tbg hits for someone with 0 DA, and you decided to follow them blindly into battle. All the small members efforts being drained for something so petty, how many more mid sized and small sized accounts will be forced to sell to the bigger ones in order to keep up with us before DEMK realizes their killing morale of their own crew, which is why you've had so many leave chain and we've had 0.
Mehehehehe (bored sheep noise?... I tried) You know I'm back new to the scene, but besides reveck who has left? TBH I've been having fun with the conflict. The glads have pushed 2 officers to me, simply out of spite of how they have been treated by you guys. No you personally, but people in glads. A couple more have been talking with me about how they can join and if it would make a difference. As far as I can see this entire thing has benefited both sides. Two war chains going to war, seems to me like thats what is supposed to happen. Just seems to be a lot of static noise from some of glads. Like gnats at a bbq. Not the people just the public crap being said. Like the VAC mode shit its boring. I like my in game DMs with glads more, less penis stroking more banter and witty comebacks. :P

Also I DM'd you on discord.

deathrequest, nsg danny, reveck, caziir, there was 1-2 more i don't remember off hand

and I wouldn't classify demk as a warchain, no real strategy or organization shown yet. Only thing keeping them alive is the growth from SR
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Post by Dank »

The RMFz wrote: 5 years ago Cool story bob.

To set the record straight, you supported a guy doing hits for 10-20 minutes gold on me (still have the logs) and to prove a point you had half your alliance low hit me. And then when I act on it, you 'approve' me. Clearly, you were angling for this fight. By the way, you're sabbing other people for 29 minute hits recently. Numerous examples that you'll be very familiar may thus want to re-consider the hypocrisy.
your tff at the time was roughly 550k, the hit was for 29mil, and your tbg was maybe 32mil per 30mins. Might be 2.5mins tbg shy instead of .5 mins shy, but same thing. 30mil hits were pretty decent 1.5 months ago, thats why half your guys didn't know even know the war reason.

Because you didn't want them knowing they're throwing their accounts away for the sake of your ego

not to mention the 0 DA and only 20b sentry at the time, which was easily reconnable by 95% of the game at the time

Trying to hold 30mins gold policy in a game where the population has gone significantly down and turns been massively increased, nice logic boys.

Heres logs of the initial chat before you guys decided to mass me to start the war 2 days after this chat:
Afterwards you even LIE TO YOUR MEMBERS, and say you didn't start the war.
no private messages

From the way bonesaw is talking, pretty much knows you're sabbing for ego. But seems content ruining your chains effort for it.
Claims to be at disadvantage if not enforcing 30 minute policy, but to my knowledge DEMK and Cerb are the only ones with 30 minute policy, and everyone knows Cerb doesn't enforce it.
DEMK leadership sure has changed. Where is AxE, mudvayne, evilmidget, the REAL lads who actually cared about their members.

This modern day DEMK is not what it once was. Glorified lapdogs, running a pyramid scheme of selling their small/mid tier accounts up to their bigs in order to save them. None of your bigs had relevant stats before leeching the hard earned gold from your smaller members.
Last edited by Squishy 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JayAlt »

Dank wrote: 5 years ago

deathrequest, nsg danny, reveck, caziir, there was 1-2 more i don't remember off hand

and I wouldn't classify demk as a warchain, no real strategy or organization shown yet. Only thing keeping them alive is the growth from SR
you forgot the fact that Ogotai turked for 3-4 days. Elstar turked. Don't make the meme lord come out DEMK. Also RMF has been to scared to post on forums the whole time because he knows that the reason they are in this war is because of him and he doesn't want people to know he is a crybaby. Back then when someone hit for 28mil, three things happened:

1.) The person would get the gold and nothing would happen because only Cerb and DEMK had 30min policies

2.) If it was under 30mins either the person who hit would send an apology message if they felt like a bitch because they got a shitty percentage.

3.) The person who got hit would send a message warning them that it was a low hit at the very least. Most of the time they would banter about how shitty the percentages in KoC are.

Now what did RMFz do? He sabbed people 6 times with no message sent at all. In my case I was ghosted and just assumed it was him seeing how blaze also got sabbed, and had to send a message myself to confirm if it was me. Nobody else had problems on the battlefield like this except your dumbass. If anybody was trying to start something it was very obviously you, seeing how you ghosted me. That point aside. You were approved for your idiotic actions. And instead of taking a 24hr approval like a man you decided to involve your whole alliance in your scheme. With much of them not knowing why. I'm assuming you lied to them and told them we approved you out of nowhere. Or that we hit you for like 10mins of gold or something.

Now we are here. You thought you would crush us. And you were right to think that you should have. You guys have significant trickle from the largest alliance in the game (by a longshot). However, you are too idiotic to set a chain up properly and are too idiotic to war properly and we are beating you. You guys knew it right from the start. So you started making excuses: Dank was cheating, Dank was getting sells from RB, Dank this dank that its all Danks fault. No, its all your fault for being to stupid to use your SR trickle properly and organize a war. Now we are here about to catch you guys. And you've started the blame game again. Everyone sees through your bs RMFz. Literally everyone in the game.
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Post by JayAlt »

The RMFz wrote: 5 years ago Cool story bob.

To set the record straight, you supported a guy doing hits for 10-20 minutes gold on me (still have the logs) and to prove a point you had half your alliance low hit me. And then when I act on it, you 'approve' me. Clearly, you were angling for this fight. By the way, you're sabbing other people for 29 minute hits recently. Numerous examples that you'll be very familiar may thus want to re-consider the hypocrisy.
If you want the specifics on his bs.

1.) The hits were all for much more than 20mins. Lets see those logs RMF. You do the math.

2.) Half the alliance? LMFAO it was literally 2 people. Me and Blaze. Maybe someone else in our alliance had the spy to see your gold and was hitting but I seem to remember us being the only ones that got sabbed.

3.) We were angling for this fight yet you ghosted us?
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Post by bLaZe- »

RMF couldn’t Sab me then because he only had sentry and No spy to back it up (95% of account was sentry, which wasn’t shit if I could get good gold). So RMF sent a proxy sabber, and even then I didn’t chain and only sabbed the proxy. DEMK/RMF couldn’t play 1:1, couldn’t even even handle 2:1. Not a war alliance if you can’t even sab on your own behalf and bring in others because you salty?!
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Post by The RMFz »

@Jayalt - Your hits were around 25 min (not 29). Anyway, I was talking of Blaze-. You did the low hit after Blaze- had Dank sab me for his 10-20 minute hits. I also had a bunch of low hits the same night by Geordie, Fin, mac and a couple others whose names I do not recollect. It does appear like you guys only wanted to start a fight. Also, yeah I ghosted you, and when you asked me whether I sabbed, I said I was pretty upfront about it.

@Blaze- I talked enough to you before you got sabbed, you have simply no locus pretending to be holier-than-thou here. Justifying your actions by saying it was okay because I had low DA is like saying it's okay if I sab you just because my spy is higher than your sentry. Considering the number of times I talked with you about it, it's clear you just wanted it your way and went forum-shopping to whoever would join in with you.

Also, you say I had good sentry with which you "could get good gold" - please note that most of your hits were 13-15 minutes. Calling that good gold and being unreasonable about it makes it amply evident you just wanted to be a prick. In that background, this outcome is natural and I'm happy to be in it.

Anyway, these points are moot two months later because (a) you guys seem to have a completely different movie playing in your heads; and b) it really doesn't matter. Adios.
Last edited by The RMFz 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.